Metro Exodus Comes To Steam On February 15th

The Epic Games Store exclusive deal has ended.

Many games, both big and small, got caught up in the firestorm of controversy that was the Epic Games Store last year. Epic Games utilized third party exclusives, something unprecedented in the PC space, which upset many PC players. Metro Exodus was one of those games, and caused quite the stir with its exclusive deal when it was pulled from Steam just weeks before release after pre-orders had already been live for some time. Well, that exclusive deal is coming to an end next week.

As announced on the official Twitter, the game will come to Steam on PC as the 12 month exclusive deal with Epic Games comes to an end (though the game did come to the Microsoft Store on PC last June). It’s not noted whether this version will discounted due to the wait or if it will include any of the DLC that’s been released.

Metro Exodus is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The Steam version of the game will go live on February 15th.

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