Microsoft Execs Hyping Up E3 Announcements, Teases Gears of War 4 Gameplay Footage

It's all 'coming together' according to Phil Spencer.

With only a few weeks to go before E3 begins, several Microsoft executives are already teasing and hyping up potential announcements at the show. Given that E3 is the gaming show, several companies need to review their line-up so that everything is in order and goes according to the plan. Mike Ybarra who is the Partner Director of Program Management, Xbox and Windows Platform at Microsoft teased that he was reviewing E3 announcements all day yesterday. What these announcements are is anybody’s guess but it seems that that Microsoft will have a number of announcements this year given their new found commitment to PC games.

Meanwhile, the head of Xbox Games marketing, Aaron Greenberg was hyping the event with Shannon Loftis who is another Microsoft employee. It seems they were in a review session for the E3 announcements. You can check out their entire conversation below. And lastly, the studio head of The Coalition, Rod Fergusson revealed that he showed off new Gears of War 4 gameplay footage to Xbox boss Phil Spencer. This footage may be possibly shown off during Microsoft’s E3 press conference. All in all E3 2016 is “coming together” according to Spencer.

Hopefully Microsoft will be able to surpass their E3 2015 which to be honest was quite intriguing and great. E3 begins this June.

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