Microsoft On Xbox One Resolution Issues: “It’s Not Just About The Specs,” Quality Matters As Well

Aaron Greenberg on narrowing the technical gap with the PS4.

If there is one topic which is a hotly debated one, it’s the resolution differences between Xbox One and PS4 games. At launch, the Xbox One’s SDK was not matured enough to handle games in 1080p without sacrificing other facets of graphics and visual parameters. As time progressed, the gap between the PS4 and Xbox One has reduced and although the resolution difference is still present in some games, there is no denying that the situation is far better compared to launch and early 2014.

In a recent interview with Gamespot, Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg believes that although specs are important, the quality of games is important as well. “We’re seeing fantastic performance from developers on the hardware side. I think even some of the choices that we’re making from the first-party side with performance optimizations [Halo 5 locking at 60FPS] Really deliver smooth, high-quality visual gameplay and experiences. Every year, more innovation is happening and people are unlocking more power from the box. For us, performance is definitely not the issue; what we’re seeing is games continue to look and play and get better, which I think is a good thing. It’s not just about the specs of the title, but also about the quality of the games. So we want to be the platform that has the best-quality games; that is what gamers are looking for when they’re deciding what console do they buy or when do they migrate to the Xbox One.”

And I think Aaron is right. Xbox One arguably has the best line up for the next few months but the PS4 is expected to deliver the goods with some fantastic titles that were announced back at E3 and the Paris Games Week event yesterday. It will be interesting to see whether the differences will become narrower and more games will be rendered in native 1080p on the Xbox One in the future.

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