Microsoft Working On Xbox 360 Emulator For Xbox One

"We would love to see it," says developer.

One of the most major complaints people have had with the Xbox One since its launch is the fact that it is not backwards compatible- meaning you cannot run Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One. I mean, sure, you could just buy a 360 to play 360 games, but what if you only have an Xbox One and want to play some of the great games that came out for the previous system?

Well, it looks like Microsoft are looking into that issue and want to address it as soon as possible. The solution? It’s looking increasingly likely that the XB1 will get an Xbox 360 emulator soon- well, at least Microsoft “would like to see” that.

During a session being held by partner development lead Frank Savage, a fan asked if there are any plans for an X360 emulator on the Xbox One. Savage replied in the affirmative, if vaguely so.

“There are, but we’re not done thinking them through yet, unfortunately,” Savage said. “It turns out to be hard to emulate the PowerPC stuff on the X86 stuff. So there’s nothing to announce, but I would love to see it myself.”

This would be really handy if it came to fruition, so let’s hope it does. What do you guys think? Tell us in your comments.


Microsoftxbox 360Xbox One