Microsoft: Xbox is becoming our “premium entertainment service” brand

In case you were oblivious to what was happening in the world of Xbox, Microsoft has mentioned that it’s no longer about hardware, it’s about services as well, and the Xbox brand is something quite different now and is their premier entertainment brand.

Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft’s marketing head has revealed to MCV Pacific that the Xbox brand has evolved and will be available on almost all devices out there.

“Xbox is becoming our premium entertainment service brand for Microsoft, and it includes hardware and software experiences,” he said.

“It runs on the console and the TV and it runs on tablets and it runs on your phone. It’ll run on Windows 8. We’re bringing it everywhere, so you’re right to think of it as more of a service in which things come with it, as opposed to ‘I’ve just bought a box, now I need to go buy other things to do with it.'”

Meanwhile you can check out our review of the Microsoft’s press conference over here. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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