Minecraft Cross Platform Play Update Enters Beta On PC and Android

The future of full cross platform play is almost here...

The greatest cross platform exercise of all time will bear fruit later this year, when over 100 million users of Minecraft are unified across iOS, Android, PC, Mac, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch thanks to the ‘Better Together’ update. But in advance of that update, we can already get a taste for what that will be like- it looks like the beta for the update is available right now on Windows 10 and Android devices, with an Xbox One version dropping soon.

The cross platform play is obviously the highlight here, but the Better Together upgrade is supposed to bring a lot of other features to the table as well, and as a beta tester, you’ll be able to go hands on with them all.

Minecraft is available now on PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, and Windows 10, iOS, and Android devices. All versions, except for PlayStation and legacy versions, will be unified with the upcoming update.

androidiOSMacMinecraftnintendo switchpcXbox One