Minecraft’s “Biggest Update Ever” Now Live for Xbox and PlayStation Consoles

Update adds tons of new items, features, mobs and more.


The biggest update ever for Minecraft is now live and Mojang has published patch notes for the same. Keep in mind that the update is currently live for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PS4 with the Vita receiving it in the next few days and the Wii U getting it next year.

The changes are pretty hefty – there are new items for Creative Mode like the Guardian Spawn Egg and Endermite Spawn Egg; new blocks like Granite, Andesite, Diorite, Slime Blocks, Packed Ice and much more; new mobs like the Endermite, Elder Guardian, Rabbit and Chicken Jockey; new biomes like Mesa, Roofed Forest, Savanna, Deep Ocean and Snowless Taiga; and lots of other cool new features like finding treasure while fishing and igniting Creepers with flint and steel.

You can check out the full list of changes here. In the meantime, what you think of the new update? Let us know in the comments below.

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