Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Closed Beta Starts on April 22nd

New dev diary explains social play.

DICE has dated its closed beta for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. It will be going live on April 22nd for all platforms and lasting till April 26th. If you’re on the mailing list, then expect a beta code on the day of the beta. If you’ve signed up but aren’t on the mailing list, then the beta code will arrive on April 23rd.

Though DICE hasn’t specified how much content is in the closed beta, we do know there will be a main mission and several side missions to experience. There will also be social play features to explore, which are essentially challenges and time trials of sorts for competing with friends. Check out the latest developer diary below to learn more social play.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is currently slated to release on May 26th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It will serve as a reboot and origins story of sorts for Faith and the City of Glass.

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