Modern Warfare 3: New information about weapons, multiplayer and new features

Robert Bowling, Creative Strategist at Infinity Ward, has revealed several details about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ahead of its release date tomorrow. He has shared details about multiplayer, weapons, and several new additions in the game.

When asked if there will be any replacement for the Famas guns in Modern Warfare 3, Bowling said: “Yes, the Type 95 is very similar to the Famas.” And for those of you who’re wondering if all the weapons found in the MP can go over to the Survival mode, Bowling said that not all of them will be present, but the primary ones will be. “Not all of them, but pretty much all the primaries are.,” he said when asked about the same.

When asked abour proficiencies and how they work with weapons, and how many of them you can assign to a weapon at a time, he revealed that we can assign only one proficiency to a primary weapon at a time.

When a troubled fan asked him if the damned UAVs and Counter UAVs can be shot down with our guns Bowling  said: “Yes, your bullets damage and can take down UAV and Counter UAVs.”

He revealed several details about the multiplayer component as well. Clearing doubts about streaks for support packages, he said: “Once you’ve ranked all the way up and got your highest pointstreak reward, you’re able to use them and do it again.”

Another new feature that Modern Warfare 3 will feature in the multiplayer component is Self Revive. When a fan asked him how that will work in the game, he explained: “Self Revive allows you to revive yourself once, by killing an enemy while down. Its extremely useful in later Survival waves.”

Modern Warfare 3 is very highly anticipated. Some people are already loosing their patience, waiting for the release date. So much so that some of them even robbed shipment truck that carried 6,000 copies of the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 releases tomorrow, November 8 for the Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii and DS. Stay tuned for more info and our full review.

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