Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Releases on June 30th, First Gameplay Revealed

Players will venture to the new Kingdom to help the Laboratory fight the Three Lords. New facilities, Wirebug techniques and more await.

In its latest digital event for Monster Hunter Rise, Capcom confirmed that the all-new expansion Sunbreak would release on June 30th for PC and Nintendo Switch. It sees player venturing to a new Kingdom, specifically Elgado Outpost. There, they must assist the Laboratory and learn more about the Three Lords – monsters that are causing strife.

The Three Lords in question are Malzeno, an Elder Dragon; Lunagaron, a Fanged Wyvern; and Garangolm. Players will venture across different locales including the new Citadel to research their behavior and eventually hunt them down. New subspecies like Blood Orange Bishaten and the returning Astalos also must be dealt with.

Along with new Hunts, Master Rank difficulty and new locales, there are also new Wirebug techniques for each weapon type, new facilities in Elgado and much more. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will cost $40 for the expansion alone – stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

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