Monster Hunter Wilds – Power Clash and Focus Mode Receive New Details

Power Clash adds a "dramatic element" to hunts, while Focus Mode offers "more options", letting you aim attacks, guards and whatnot.

New previews for Capcom’s Monster Hunter Wilds have dropped after the latest trailer at Summer Game Fest, expanding further on the new gameplay mechanics. Speaking to IGN (who watched a 30-minute gameplay demo), art director and executive director Kaname Fujioka discussed Power Clash and how Focus Mode works.

If you missed it in the State of Play trailer, a Power Clash ensued when a Doshaguma attacked a Hunter, who held it at bay with a Greatsword. Fujioka explained, “It is a feature of the hunting, but it does serve that kind of purpose of having a dramatic element and increasing the immersion of the player into the moment of the hunt.”

As for Focus Mode, this provides “more options for a more diverse player base,” allowing players to attack in the direction the camera faces while directing your cursor. You can aim attacks, guards and whatnot. However, it’s meant for “players who aren’t as experienced with this kind of style of gameplay to accomplish that. So what it accomplishes is more of a gameplay element,” said Fujioka.

Director Yuya Tokuda also revealed that some elements weren’t showcased in the demo, including monsters having “unique grabbing attacks and different things they do during hunts that kind of are dramatic.” The former applies to the small monsters also, as seen in the State of Play trailer.

Monster Hunter Wilds launches in 2025 for Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC. Head here for more details.

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