Monster Hunter: World Day One Patch Details Revealed

Will add additional languages, a gallery mode, a mascot, and more.

Monster Hunter: World is set to release later this week, and Capcom has announced  that they will release a Day One patch to address some important issues. The patch will bring a number of important changes and fixes to the game.

First and foremost, the patch will enable online systems such as chat and multiplayer which will not work without this patch. The size of the patch is only 815 MB, so make sure you grab it as soon as you can if you want to play online. New languages such as Portuguese, Brazilian, Russian and more will also be added with the patch. The patch will add a gallery mode to the main menu which will allow players to rewatch scenes from the game at a later date. A mascot known as Poogie will be added and can be found once the player has progressed enough in the story. Finally, the patch will also bring fixes for various bugs.

Monster Hunter: World is set to release for the PS4 and Xbox One on January 26 and will release for the PC at some time this year.

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