Monster Hunter World Deviljho Guide: Location, Weakness, Recommended Weapon Type And Armor

The best strategy to find and take out this beast.

Monster Hunter World’s first piece of downloadable content is out now (it’s free), and with it comes the awesome Deviljho, a monster that looks like the Anjanath and behaves like Bazelgeuse, and has the speed of a Tobi-Kadachi. To celebrate this monstrous, terrifying release, we’re going to help you look for this monster in the game and giver you the best strategy to fight it and defeat it.

Unlike most other monsters in the game, the Deviljho isn’t found in any particular area. To find this beast, you first have to make sure you’ve completed the Pink Rathtar quest, and then load into a high rank expedition quest in the Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, and Elder’s Recess areas of the game. There’s no particular way of running into the monster even then- it’s all up to chance. If on one of these quests you find any “???” footprints, that’s when you know you’re on the monster’s trail.

Now here’s how you need to be equipped to beat this monster. The Deviljho is quite large and hulking, but surprisingly enough, it’s also incredibly quick, so you’re going to want to be equipped with a fast-moving weapon to counter that threat. What’s even more important, though, is being equipped with a weapon that can charge up and stun the monster, as that seems to be its one weakness. Also, the Deviljho uses Dragon-type elemental attacks that can do quite a bit of damage, so you’re gonna want to be wearing Dragon-resistant armour.

Another solid way of taking the beast down, another than stunning it, is to ensnare it in traps to topple it. Unlike other beasts though, the Deviljho can actually attack you even when its trapped or downed, so you should attack it from behind to deal quite a bit of damage.

From what we understand so far, the Deviljho seems to be a fearsome monster and taking it down’s going to be easier said than done. Hopefully with the help of these pointers though, you will be able to do it. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage on Monster Hunter World.

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