Monster Hunter World: Iceborne – Master Rank Kulve Taroth, Arch-Tempered Namielle Out on April 23rd

Both monsters will have new armor to craft for a limited time, starting next week.

Capcom’s Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will be receiving some familiar monsters to slay on April 23rd for all platforms. Title Update 3.5 brings Kulve Taroth to Master Rank while also adding the first Arch-Tempered Elder Dragon to the expansion with Namielle. Check out the trailer below to see both monsters in action.

This time around, the quest is to slay Kulve Taroth instead of simply driving her away. Lest you’d think there’s no initiative, Capcom is offering new armor to craft and the opportunity to upgrade weapons that one has earned from the High Rank Siege quest. So if you have any meta weapons lying around from previous Sieges, this is a good chance to bring them into Master Rank.

Much like the Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons from the base, Arch-Tempered Namielle is essentially a tougher version of the Master Rank monster. You’ll be able to use her materials to craft new gear, though it remains to be seen how viable this will be given how strong the Raging Brachydios equipment is. Stay tuned for more details when the update goes live next week.

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