Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Trailer Reveals Glavenus, Two New Subspecies

Along with a tease for what seems to be Brachydios at the end.

Monster Hunter World IceborneMonster Hunter World Iceborne

We’re still a ways off from the release of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, the first and last major expansion for the action RPG. The hype train hasn’t stopped though – a new trailer from Capcom showcases Glavenus for the first time, along with some of its attacks. Check it out below.

We also get two new subspecies of existing monsters – Fulgur Anjanath and Ebony Odogaron. The latter looks especially menacing, with electricity spewing from its fur. More gameplay featuring other monsters as mounts and Turf Wars is also included.

If that wasn’t enough, we get a tease of Brachydios, another popular monster from previous games. An Uragaan can be seen covered in green slime, which then explodes, killing it in the process. That’s a signature ability that Brachydios has, and should be interesting to fight against with all the new tools available.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne releases on September 6th for Xbox One and PS4. PC users can get their hands on it in the Winter. Like the base game, it will have significant post-launch updates.

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