Monster Hunter World New Videos Guide You Through Anjanath, Jagras, Rathalos, Kulu-Ya-Ku, and the Ancient Forest

A beginner's guide to Monster Hunter...

Probably cognizant of all the criticisms leveled at the series for being obtuse and dense, with multiple systems and mechanics layered that are hard to understand, Capcom has launched a series of new videos to guide players through multiple aspects of the fantastic looking upcoming Monster Hunter World.

The first set of videos will guide players through the Anjanath, Jagras, Rathalos, Kulu-Ya-Ku, and the Ancient Forest- all of those but the last one are some of the monsters you battle in the game, while the last one itself is the game’s signature location (though, of course, there will be many, many more).

You can check out the videos for yourself below. Monster Hunter World will be the fifth major entry in the long running series, and it will release on January 26 for the PS4 and Xbox One; a PC version for the game is due to release later as well, though for now, it does not have a release window.

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