Monster Hunter World PC- New Mod Fixes HDR Implementation and Adds Other Features

The modder has stated that the game makes it very hard for the consumer to add mods to it.

Now that Monster Hunter World is out on PC, we can expect to see quite a few mods being released for it. We had reported earlier on a mod that adds ultra-wide support to the game. Now, a new mod has been released, which fixes the implementation of HDR on PC. Furthermore, it also brings in some new features, such as texture/button mods, and the option to take screenshots without the HUD.

It’s certainly great to see these new mods that add some essential features to the game, but it doesn’t look like the developers of the game have made it easy for the modders at all. The modder ‘Kaldaien’ who has worked on the HDR fix mod has stated that the developers have made it quite difficult for the consumer to mod the game. He stated, “The anti-mod BS in this game is the strongest I’ve ever seen (puts FFXV’s stupid anti-debug to shame).”

He is unsure if the problem is caused by a new part of Denuvo, or if it’s simply because of a lack of experience on the developers’ part. Regarding this, he said, “I do not know if this is a part of Denuvo that has never been used before or if it’s actually a trumped up ad-hoc solution from people who have no business imposing restrictions on the consumer. Anti-debug / anti-mod is always bad, but it’s exponentially worse when done by amateurs who do not have the necessary experience to ensure their stupid charade doesn’t do more harm to the customer than benefit (is there any?) to the publisher.”

If you’re interested in this mod, you can download it hereMonster Hunter World is now available for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Read our review for the game’s PC release here. Meanwhile, if you’re wondering how the game’s PC version stacks up against its console counterparts, watch our analysis video through here.

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