Monster Hunter World Tops 16 Million Units Sold

Iceborne's sales stand at 5.8 million units.

Monster Hunter World has been Capcom’s biggest performer since it launched in 2018 (it’s actually been one of their biggest performers ever- period), and it’s refusing to slow down. Capcom recently held their quarterly financial briefing, posting impressive profits and sales, and provided updated sales figures on some of their titles.

One of these is, of course, Monster Hunter World. The action RPG now stands at worldwide sales of 16 million units, up from the 15 million units shipped that were reported in January. Clearly this game has strong legs. A lot of that is probably down to its massive expansion, Icebornewhich is also continuing to sell well, with Capcom confirming that its total sales currently stand at 5.8 million units worldwide. As of March, that figure stood at 5 million units. Collectively, they’ve been big money-makers for Capcom, to say the very least.

Monster Hunter World and Iceborne are currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

capcommonster hunter worldMonster Hunter World: Icebornepcps4Xbox One