More Developers Are “Most Interested” In Nintendo Switch Than PS4 or Xbox One, According to GDC Survey

The Switch’s success on the hardware and software front seems to be attracting attention.

Nintendo has gone above and beyond to make the Nintendo Switch an inviting ecosystem for developers (contrary to their attitude towards third party development on their previous systems), and it seems like that effort is bearing fruit. According to the 2019 GDC State of the Game Industry survey, which has a sample of 4,000 developers, more developers are now “most interested” in Nintendo Switch as a platform than they are in any other console.

45% of responding developers answered that they are the most interested in the Nintendo Switch for game development; this is higher than 38% for PS4 and PS4 Pro, and 28% for Xbox One and Xbox One X. Given the success that developers have found on the Switch (in the same survey, 24% of the developers reveal that Switch sales for their games were higher than average, while another 20% found them in line with the average), it’s no surprise that more and more of them are now expressing interest in Nintendo’s platform.

Whether this leads to continued third party support—at least from indie developers—remains to be seen, but for now, things are looking pretty good for the Switch.

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