Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Closed Door Demo Confirmed for E3

Various publications can go hands-on with the upcoming tactical strategy game at E3.

The Bearded Ladies and Funcom have announced that they will be hosting special hands-on demos for the admittedly funky looking Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. Demo sessions will unfortunately be taking place behind closed doors only.

Still, it does offer publications a closer look at the upcoming tactical turn-based strategy title which combines the tactics of XCOM with stealth and exploration. Taking place in a post-nuclear fallout future, humans are effectively extinct and the Mutants reign supreme. Exploring the Zone and finding the legendary Eden is your best chance at survival.

Along with stealth, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden boasts a dynamic environment with destructible buildings and plenty of loot to discover. Your team will feature a number of different mutants with Dux, Bormin and Selma starting off and other unique characters joining along the way. The game currently doesn’t have a release date but it’s slated to arrive this year on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

E3 2018FuncomMutant Year Zero: Road to Edenpcps4The Bearded LadiesXbox One