Naughty Dog: “The Last of Us to Marry Gameplay With Character Motivation”

Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us, exclusive to the PS3, is quite the wild card. It went from being a unveiled exclusive to one of the top talks of the show at this year’s E3.

Director Bruce Straley spoke about the importance of story-telling in an interactive medium like video games. However, he also stated:

It’s just consciousness of how to marry gameplay with the motivations of these characters. If we’re doing our job right, you as the player feel aligned with the motivations of these characters. The feeling that you get when you’re playing through these environments is the same feelings that these characters are feeling.

Just how far could those motivations go? Things may be a lot more dynamic than initially revealed, but Straley is talking about wiping away the divide between gamer and game character. No small task, indeed. But if any one could pull it off, it has to be Naughty Dog.

Naughty Dogps3Sony Computer Entertainmentthe last of us