The series' final lightning in a bottle moment.
Everything you need to know about Spider-Man on the PlayStation 4.
Everything You Need To Know About The Inpatient .
Check out even more gameplay footage of the stunning remake from Bluepoint Games.
Screen time.
Deputy president John Kodera to assume House's role as president.
Wipeout still has some moves to show.
It's a little more complicated than that.
"In the long run, it will mean everything."
Sony consolidates, and prepares for the next 20 years of innovation with PlayStation.
Of course it will be- it's a Kojima game, after all.
Is it happening?
The success of the PS4 has Sony looking to use it for more than just games, somehow.
Game & Network division sees sales increase by 19.4 percent year-on-year.
Just don't expect any triple-A titles in the near future.
PS4 exclusive lineup, PlayStation services, sales, and more.
Baby steps at first, give it time.
Gotta love people with a love for what they do.
Loads of new content.