New Contra Title Listed For September Via German Retailer – Rumor

Konami's classic run and gun property has popped up in a retailer listing.

E3 is getting close, and as always there’s all kinds of rumors and leaks coming out. One such leak today is a particularly interesting one. It seems that a listing for a new Contra title has appeared- could one of the original hard-as-nails shooters be making a comeback relatively soon?

The retailer in question is NetGames, and you can get a look at the listings here. It mentions a game simply titled Contra as getting physical releases for PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. It’s also not listed as a full priced release being set at €34,95, whereas most new, full priced releases go for €44,95-€49,95 on the website. It has a release date of September 29th.

The IP holder, Konami, has largely backed away from large scale games, but it could be a small scale revival like Super Bomberman R. It could also be related to the classic game collection that was announced earlier in the year. And it’s always possible it could be nothing, as these leaks some times end up being. We’ll just have to wait and see.

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