New Fallout 4 Mod Makes Most Mundane Objects In Game Look Fancy

The mod is called Fallout 4 Reworked.

A brand new mod for Fallout 4 has just been released that is supposed to make even the most mundane objects in the game take on a sharper sheen. This mod, called Fallout 4 Reworked is along the same lines as The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project. Both of these mods were created by Halk Hogan PL. In both games, the entire point of the mod isn’t to add a bunch of content but just make the content that is already there really fun to look at.

Best of all, the point of this mod is to make the stuff look that much better without actually hurting the performance of the game. The video we have below will show you that when you apply this mod to the PC version of the game, everything from road cones to trees is going to look more vibrant and stand out better.

Even better news for those that might not have the best performing PC in the world out there is that there are actually two different versions of this mod. The lower load version will allow people with hardware that isn’t top of the line to still see a really good boost in the vibrancy of the more mundane objects in the game. Check out the video below and you can grab the Fallout 4 Reworked Project from this link.

bethesda softworksFallout 4Modspcps4Xbox One