New Kinect-less Xbox One SKU incoming? Microsoft Says Not So Fast

"No plans for such a bundle," say Microsoft.

There were rumblings earlier that Microsoft was planning on introducing a Kinect-less SKU of the Xbox One to the market sometime next year. For those in the know, Kinect is the one thing that pushes the Xbox One’s price up so high ($499 to PS4’s $399), and whereas many were expecting Microsoft to reverse the mandatory Kinect requirement after they backtracked on their DRM policies, Microsoft has maintained that the camera peripheral is absolutely central to the Xbox One experience.

However, earlier today, there were reports that Microsoft was planning on releasing two SKUs of the system next year, one without the Kinect and one smaller, budget priced one to undercut the PS4. However, Microsoft has been quick to quash the rumors.

“We have no plans to introduce an Xbox One without Kinect,” Microsoft said in a statement it released. “We believe in Kinect and the value it brings to both games and entertainment, and believe $499 is a great value for what consumers receive with their Xbox One.”

Of course, it’s not like they would tell us if they were planning on going Kinect-less anyway, but at least as it stands right now, the Kinect remains an essential part of the Xbox One package. Even if you never want to use it.

KinectMicrosoftps4Xbox One