New Location Trailers For Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 Released

A look at some upcoming locations for the latest in the FF13 series

A whole host of location trailers have been released by Square Enix for their upcoming release, Lightning returns: Final Fantasy 13. The trailers show case several environments for the upcoming installment in the Final Fantasy 13 franchise.

The featured locations are:





Dead Dunes

Lightning Returns: Finial Fantasy 13 will be the third installment of the Final Fantasy Fabula Nova Chrystyallis series, which is a series of Final Fantasy games that, although they may take place in different worlds and with different characters, will feature the same or similar themes and mythology. The series has a confirmed 5 games, with the first two being Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 13-2. The third release was Final Fantasy Type-O, which thus far has only been released in Japan.

After the release of Lightning Returns: FF13, the fifth and–as of yet–final entry of the series will be Final Fantasy 15, formerly titled Final Fantasy Versus 13.

Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13 is set to release across PlayStayion 3 and Xbox 360 in November, 2013 in Japan and in early 2014 in North America, Australia and Europe.

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