New Monster Hunter game releasing on Vita?

The Vita’s sales have been declining drastically every new week, and the software sales haven’t been very impressive either. This poor performance can probably be attributed to the fact that the Vita has no games that appeals to the Japanese audiences as much as, say, Pokemon or Mario. It’s predecessor, the PSP, used to have Monster Hunter, but then that went over to the 3DS. But reportedly, a new Monster Hunter game is releasing on the PS Vita in the coming months.

In an interview with Le Point, Philippe Cardone, CEO of PlayStation France said: “The games available at launch in Japan do not correspond to the typology of the Japanese public. It lacks a particular game, Monster Hunter, scheduled for the coming months

“Had it been there right out in Japan, the story would have been different,” he continued. “The game console at launch will be the European better than it was for Japan.”

The quotes are a rough translation, so apologies if they make little sense to you.

Anyway, it looks like there might yet be hope for the Vita in Japan. And with Final Fantasy X HD also coming out on the system later this year, it might just gather momentum in terms of sales.

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