New Xbox One is Four Times More Powerful, Targetting 6 Teraflops – Report

Scorpio is apparently very real and could outperform the rumoured PS4 NEO.

After yesterday’s report about new upcoming Xbox One model being planned for 2017, codenamed “Scorpio” and VR-capable with 4K output support, another source has emerged to reveal just how powerful it could be.

Speaking to Polygon, this source said that Scorpio will be four times as powerful as the current Xbox One. It also confirmed that a “slimmed down version” of the current Xbox One with a new controller is also in the works. While the latter is scheduled for the end of this year, Scorpio will reportedly be out in late 2017.

The creation of Scorpio is apparently motivated by power and Microsoft is determined to get the upper hand over Sony. While the rumoured PS4 NEO is expected to hit 4.14 teraflops in performance, Scorpio will apparently be targetting 6 teraflops.

Expect announcements to come streaming at E3 2016 for these Xbox One models when you’re not taking all these reports with a grain of salt. In the meantime, what are your thoughts on the same? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more information.

e3 2016MicrosoftScorpioXbox Onexbox one slim