NieR Automata launches in Japan soon, so Sony has gone ahead and posted a brand new video showcasing some more gameplay from the game, with commentary by director Yoko Taro and Platinum’s Yosuke Saito. The video shows us, among other things, a new boss, as well as a new level.
Sony has also confirmed that its own Gravity Rush 2 will be getting a YoRHa 2B dress from NieR Automata as a DLC costume. The costume itself was not shown off, and we don’t have much details on it yet- we don’t even know when the costume will launch. But fans of both games will probably be happy to know that it is coming, at any rate.
Gravity Rush 2 launched exclusively on the PlayStation 4 earlier this year, and is available worldwide. NieR Automata will launch on the PS4 and PC. It will be available in Japan this week, while the west gets it early next month.