NieR Trademark Filed By Square Enix In Japan

Just protecting property, or something more?

NeiR: Automata was a surprise hit for Square Enix. The action RPG garnered broad critical acclaim thanks to the action-infused gameplay and the wild story that saw many different branching paths. It came so out of nowhere, many people didn’t even know it was a sequel to a 2010 game (which itself many didn’t know was a spin-off, but we’re getting in the weeds here). It seems that game could possibly be getting some news soon.

The original game released on the PS3 and 360, which each version getting a different skin for the main character with the 360 version getting an older, seasoned man for western audiences and the PS3 getting the more youthful, anime-esque teenager for the Japanese audiences. As reported by Siliconera, it seems Square Enix filed a new trademark for the game on Novmber 29th that’s just now becoming public.

It could mean nothing as company’s file and renew trademarks all the time to protect their properties, but considering the success of Automata and that we have 10th anniversary NieR website that just went up, it’s possible something else is afoot.

NierSquare Enix