NPD June Report: PS4 Outsells Xbox One Again, 106 Percent Year on Year Increase in Hardware Sales

Sony's PS4 continues its dominance in the United States for the sixth month in a row.

The NPD Group has finally released its June report for US gaming hardware and software sales, and it finally corroborated the Xbox One selling double the previous month’s sales after the price drop. Interestingly, it managed to sell double that of May and yet the PlayStation 4 still outsold it. This marks the sixth month the PS4 has beaten the Xbox One in the United States.

Otherwise, hardware sales are excellent at $292.7 million with a 106 percent year on year increase. Software sales are slightly down at $286.3 million at a 3 percent year on year decrease but the hardware sales helped total industry spending to increase by 24 percent year on year to $736.4 million.

NPD analyst Liam Callahan stated that, “The 106% increase in hardware sales (vs. June 2013) was lifted entirely by console hardware sales, which were up by over 200 percent. The strong sales performance of console hardware helped to offset the declines seen in portable hardware.

“Combined sales of Xbox One and PS4 are over 80% higher than the combined totals for Xbox 360 and PS3 – an indication of the strength of the start of this new console generation.”

What are your thoughts on the current console sales in the US? Let us know below.

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