Operation Flashpoint: Red River PS3 & PC Giveaway [CLOSED]: WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Winners are:


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Thanks everyone for participating!

So you are a fan of probably the most underrated shooter franchise this generation and want a copy for free? Worry not! GamingBolt.com has you covered. We are giving away a PC and PS3 version of Operation Flashpoint: Red River.

So how do you get these? It’s simple. You need to answer a simple question:

FTE Mission in the game stands for:-

  • Fire Team Engagement
  • Field Tactical Engagement
  • Force Troop Enclosures
  • Force Tactical Engagement


Let us know your answer in the comments below. Also let us know which version will you prefer. All readers with correct answers will go in the lucky draw and two lucky ones will win a copy!

Thanks to guys at Zapak for sponsoring this awesome giveaway!

Note: Contest closes May 15th, 2010.

Note: Contest open only to Indian Residents. However I will ask Zapak to provide us with some steam codes so that everyone can participate.

Operation Flashpoint: Red Riverpcps3xbox 360