Overwatch Archives 2020 Now Live, Adds Challenge Missions

Challenging modifiers, new weekly challenges, and new cosmetics in Archives Loot Boxes are available.

Blizzard Entertainment’s seasonal Archives event is back for Overwatch. While it doesn’t add any new PvE missions – given all the support that’s going to Overwatch 2 – there are new Legendary skins and Challenges for existing missions are available. Check out the trailer below.

Some of the Challenges that players will face in missions include Molten Cores which cause dead enemies to erupt and leave lava patches that burn overtime. Close Quarters involves getting up close and personal to kill enemies since they’re invincible from afar.  Storm Raging will see enemies enraged in a Nano Boost-like fashion if their comrades are killed.

Completing these Challenges earn new sprays and Achievements. However, there also weekly challenge streams to earn player icons, sprays and Legendary skins for Symmetra, Torbjorn and Junkrat. New cosmetics in Archives Loot Boxes include Legendary skins for Pharah, Zarya, Roadhog and Ana among other highlight intros, emotes and so on.

Overwatch Archives 2020 is live until April 2nd.

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