Overwatch Competitive Play Season 2 Begins on September 6th

New mechanics, no Sudden Death and more to come.

In the midst of DDOS attacks, PTR tests and upcoming changes, Blizzard Entertainment finally dated the second season of Competitive Play for Overwatch. September 6th is the day when you can finally jump in and hopefully deal with teammates who don’t choose Symmetra on attack.

Quite a lot is changing with season two. Sudden Death and the Coin Flip mechanics have been removed. Assault and Hybrid maps will now operate on a time bank feature and it’s possible for matches to end in draws, awarding Competitive Points to all around. Competitive rankings will now be on a scale of 1 to 5000 with different tiers reflecting your overall status. Players also won’t fall beyond a certain tier regardless of the number of losses taken.

There’s a lot more to get into but the point is that there’s going to be a lot to look forward to (including buffs to Mei and Mercy). What are your thoughts on season two of Competitive Play of Overwatch? Let us know in the comments.

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