Overwatch Dev “Open-Minded” About Possible Map Editor

Not happening anytime soon, sadly.

Thus far, Blizzard’s Overwatch has had Competitive Play, Arcade modes, a Server Browser for Custom Games and much more added to it since launch. It will even have a full-fledged replay feature by Summer end. However, what about a map editor at some point?

It may not be coming anytime soon but game director Jeff Kaplan was enthusiastic about the same. Speaking on the official forums, Kaplan said the team was “extremely open-minded about releasing a map editor for Overwatch someday. But because Overwatch was made with a brand new engine, this is not a small task or one which can happen any time soon.

“We have this on our long-term road map and believe heavily in user-made content. But there are many challenges ahead of us and it will be a very long road before our editor can be made available to the public.”

Overwatch will have a significant update today with new hero Orisa releasing for all players. What are your thoughts on a potential map editor? Let us know below.

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