Overwatch Digital Revenues Hit $269 Million on PC and Consoles – SuperData

Digital game sales up by 11 percent over last year.

Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch has been a monstrous success for the publisher. Along with securing 10 million (and rising) registered players within a month, it also brought in significant digital revenue across all platforms according to analysts at SuperData.

These revenues topped $269 million and helped raise revenue for the PC market by 8 percent. It was also the fifth most streamed game across various streaming platforms.

Two other games whose digital revenues were revealed include Gearbox Software’s Battleborn – which earned $18 million on all platforms – and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – which racked up $56 million on the PlayStation 4.

Though subscription based gaming fell below $200 million with regards to monthly earnings, digital game sales were up by 11 percent year-on-year for $6 billion total sales in May. With Competitive Play incoming for Overwatch along with more maps and Heroes, expect it to be a significant staple of the gaming scene for at least the remaining year. What are your thoughts on Overwatch’s success? Let us know in the comments.

BattlebornBlizzard EntertainmentOverwatchpcps4SuperDataUncharted 4: A Thief's EndXbox One