Overwatch Doomfist’s Cosmetics Now Available on PTR

Ever wanted to see Doomfist with a cheetah-printed gauntlet?

Blizzard Entertainment is currently testing its newest Overwatch hero Doomfist on the Public Test Realm for PC. Its latest update should excite more than its fair share of people since it adds cosmetic items for Doomfist. This includes voicelines, new skins and much more. You can check out what they look like in the below video (courtesy of DronXD).

Some of the skins are fairly basic, simply changing the colour of Doomfist’s clothes, while others add designs to his skin and gauntlet. However, the wilder skins can transform him into a cyborg similar to Tekken’s Jack or a spiritual being with Numbani influences.

There’s no timeframe for when Doomfist will release but rumours indicate that with the Summer Games returning in August, he could debut then as well. Other changes expected to arrive include the revamped Highlights system and changes to Loot Boxes to prevent multiple duplicates.

What are your thoughts on Doomfist’s cosmetics though? Let us know in the comments.

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