Overwatch Legendary Edition Available Now, New Trailer Released

Five Epic and five Legendary skins, along with Origins Edition skins, included.

To commemorate its second anniversary, Blizzard Entertainment has released Overwatch Legendary Edition. The “Game of the Year” style pack includes the base game along with five Epic and five Legendary skins. Check out the trailer for it below.

Said skins include Okami Hanzo, Mystery Man McCree and Shrike Ana. While available to earn in-game through random loot box drops or Credits, this edition also comes with the exclusive Origins Edition skins. Blackwatch Reyes, Strike-Commander Morrison, Overgrown Bastion, Slipstream Tracer and Security Chief Pharah are all included for your cosmetic pleasure.

With 40 million players, a fairly popular esports division in Overwatch League and more updates coming, Overwatch is still going strong after two years. The recent Anniversary Event is live and along with new cosmetics to earn, it brings a free-for-all deathmatch map called Petra and Competitive FFA. Past seasonal brawls will be rotating and previous seasonal cosmetics are available to unlock as well.

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