Overwatch – Mercy and Zenyatta Buffs Coming With Next Experimental Card

Competitive Open Queue will also become an option for regular ranked play in July.

Blizzard Entertainment released another Developer Update video for Overwatch, detailing Competitive Play and Experimental Card changes to come. First up is Competitive Open Queue, which was added to Arcade Mode and allowed for playing competitive matches without Hero Pools active. According to director Jeff Kaplan, this mode was the second most played in Korea (even if it was less popular in the West).

To that end, the plan is to have Competitive Open Queue available as a regular mode in Competitive Play starting from July. The current Competitive mode with Role Queue will still be available and the game itself is still being balanced around 2/2/2 though. But this should lead to better queue times for both modes (in theory, at least).

As for the next Experimental Card, it should be live soon and will feature changes to numerous Support heroes. Mercy will be receiving more healing output, Ana’s healing is being nerfed and Zenyatta’s Discord Orb is being reverted to 30 percent damage increase on marked targets. Moira will also be seeing some changes but you can also expect something for Bastion and Junkrat as well.

Check out the full Developer Update below for more details.

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