Overwatch: Over 200 Million Payloads Delivered In 2016

That's a whole lot of payloads.

Overwatch is a veritable phenomenon, one of the best games of this year, one of the best shooters ever made, and one which has an audience stretching far beyond the traditional shooter fans. People of all ages, and interests, have jumped on board with Overwatch, logging in a frankly obscene number of hours each day into Blizzard’s multiplayer shooter.

This is the kind of thing that has led to Overwatch being what might be currently one of the most popular games on the planet. And do you know how Blizzard chose to demonstrate this fact? Why, via one of the most inane, trite statistics ever, of course! Although I imagine, that is the fun of it.

217,817,802 payloads have been delivered in Overwatch this year; given that the game didn’t even launch till late May, that’s basically 30 million payloads a month, or a million a day, on average. That, my friends, is absolutely crazy.

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