Overwatch Patch Notes Reveal Changes Coming to Zenyatta, Mercy, D.Va

Find out what's new on Blizzard's PTR.

If you’ve been playing on Overwatch’s PTR servers to test out the new hero Ana, then you might have noticed a new patch that brings several balance changes to heroes. Expect these changes to hit the full game in the near future.

The patch makes changes to Lucio, Soldier 76 and Bastion’s Ultimates, having their cost increased by 10 percent. Road Hog’s Ultimate Cost is up by 45 percent since self-healing now charges your Ultimate. Zenyatta has been significantly revamped as well – he now has 50 health and 150 shields, faster travel time on Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony and double movement speed on his Ultimate which also now heals for 300 health per second.

Mercy’s Damage Boost now offers 50 percent increased damage but can no longer stack with other Mercy heroes’ boosts. Ultimate cost is up by 30 percent but she can now move while it’s active and refresh the cooldown on her flying ability Guardian Angel, thus allowing you to move in, resurrect allies and move out quickly.

D.Va also sees a number of changes – her Defense Matrix shield can now be cast instantly but has a charge timer on it. Charge it for 10 seconds and it stays up for four seconds. You’ll need to hold the button down in the process though but perhaps the biggest change is that D.Va’s Ultimate costs 15 percent less with Self-Destruct now taking three seconds to trigger. D.Va can also no longer be harmed by the explosion.

Thoughts on all these changes, which should be hitting all PC users in the coming weeks? Let us know in the comments.

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