Overwatch PC Update is Live: Adds Ana, Hero Balance Changes and More

A substantial new update is live for PC users.

The latest update for Blizzard’s Overwatch is now live, bringing a new support hero in the form of Ana and changing several heroes in major ways.

This is the same patch that increases shields for Zenyatta, on top of buffing his movement speed during Transcendence; allows Mercy to move while casting Resurrect; enables self-healing to charge your Ultimate (but causes some heroes, like Soldier 76 and Roadhog, to have an increased cost for building up their Ults); and changes D.Va’s Defense Matrix to be deployed more often. Her Ultimate also has decreased cost for building up and no longer harms D.Va when it’s cast.

Other changes include various gameplay changes. Overtime will now count down quicker if it lasts for longer than 20 seconds and one’s respawn time during this period will be increased by two seconds. Competitive Play was also changed to allow for one of each hero on every team. There’s also a reduced chance of large projectiles like Hanzo’s arrows and Zenyatta’s orbs hitting players around corners.

You can check out the full patch notes here and let us know what you think of the new update, along with new hero Ana, in the comments.

Blizzard EntertainmentOverwatchpcps4Xbox One