Overwatch PTR Patch Notes Revealed, Genji Nerfs Incoming

Find out how everyone's favourite cyborg ninja is being nerfed.

Blizzard Entertainment has launched its latest patch for Overwatch on its PC public test realm or PTR and it’s essentially what’s going to ready the game for Competitive Play season 2 beginning on September 6th. If you want to experience season 2 for yourself, you can do so on the PTR (though progress won’t carry over into September’s season).

However, there are a fair number of changes to heroes in the patch as well. Zenyatta’s Discord Orb now causes 30 percent increased damage as opposed to 50 percent while his base damage has been increased from 40 to 46. Hanzo’s movement speed while aiming has been decreased while the speed of his projectiles has been increased. Mercy’s healing has also been increased by a significant amount.

However, the biggest changes are to Genji, the popular cyborg ninja. Genji’s double jump will no longer reset when wall climbing and his dash can no longer deal damage (or bypass) Junkrat’s Steel Trap. Swift Strike can also no longer interrupt quick melees and Dragonblade, Genji’s ult, has been reduced to six seconds in its duration.

You can check out the rest of the changes here but just remember – it’s still the public test realm and there could be changes before all platforms receive the patch.

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