Overwatch PTR Patch Still in Testing, Orisa’s Damage Being “Looked At”

More changes likely to come.

Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch has a patch that’s currently in the Public Test Realm. Along with slightly nerfing Soldier 76’s damage and Reinhardt’s Earthshatter, it presented a very strong nerf to Orisa’s damage. Luckily, it put her barrier on shorter cooldown.

What’s the current status of the patch though? According to director Jeff Kaplan on the forums, testing is still ongoing. “We’re still testing on the PTR. We constantly evaluate changes – so yes, we’re looking at them closely.

“Right now, we’re mostly okay with things minus a few bugs. We are looking at the change to Orisa’s damage, however, and will likely make changes to the tuning on the PTR.”

Given how Orisa’s gun isn’t exactly hitscan nor does an enormous amount of damage, it would make sense to have a less severe damage reduction. How useful the barrier cooldown would be in exchange for any nerf also has to be seen.

What are your thoughts on the PTR patch? Let us know in the comments.

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