Overwatch PTR Update Adds Tracking to Assault/Hybrid Maps

Expect less draws in maps with capture points.

One of the many criticisms stemming from Blizzard’s map design in Overwatch is how two checkpoint maps – or even maps with one objective to capture – could devolve into draws in Competitive Play. To combat the same, a new tracking system has been added to the Public Test Realm iteration of the game.

According to the developer, the system is in place for Assault and Assault/Escort aka Hybrid maps. “This will work similarly to the system that’s already in place for Escort and Assault/Escort maps, which grants a win to the team that pushes the payload the furthest. Now, even if neither team successfully captures the objective, a winner can be determined based on which team captured the largest portion.”

For now, the map selection will be limited to Eichenwalde and Hanamura to test these changes out. It was also revealed that a new route was added to Eichenwalde to connect the attackers spawn point to the capture point.

What are your thoughts on the new tracking system? Let us know in the comments below.

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