Overwatch PTR Update Buffs Zarya’s Graviton, Reinhardt’s Hammer Swing

Reaper and McCree also see buffs while Doomfist is further balanced.

The on-going Public Test Realm for Blizzard’s Overwatch has received a new update. As expected, Doomfist has been changed – his Rocket Punch has had its distance reduced by 20 percent. However, Blizzard said that this change has been active for a while now. So what else is new?

As it turns out, Seismic Slam now has an indicator that shows how much damage it can deal and how much it dealt after landing. Furthermore, targeting has been restricted for locations that are lower than your current position. No more flying up to higher places with it.

Other changes are fairly significant. McCree’s Flashbang now stuns foes significantly, preventing them from moving around a corner with their momentum. Reaper’s Shadow Step has also had its call-out and sound effect distance reduced heavily. As for Reinhardt, Blizzard has, “gone through and tweaked many timings and other things about the Hammer to make it more responsive. Overall it should feel a lot better to swing and make contact with enemies.” Furthermore, the swing speed of his Hammer has been increased by 10 percent.

However, the biggest buff seems to be to Zarya whose Graviton Surge will now remove all movement abilities from those caught inside. While Reaper and Orisa could escape with Wraith Form and Fortify respectively (since those are anti-CC effects), it seems that heroes like Mercy can no longer escape.

What are your thoughts on these changes? Let us know in the comments below.

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