Overwatch PTR Update Changes Ana, D.Va, Roadhog

Four emotes/sprays/voicelines can now be equipped.

The newest Public Test Realm patch for Overwatch is now live and major changes are afoot. First things first, the patch now adds an Emote Wheel, allowing you to equip up to four different emotes and sprays.

These can subsequently be used when hitting the left and right mouse buttons in the Communication wheel. The Kill Feed has also been updated to highlight the usage of Ultimates and headshot kills so you’ll always know when Mercy used her rez or whether a McCree is particularly dangerous with headshots or not.

As for hero changes, Ana’s Biotic Grenade has had its healing boost nerfed by 50 percent, effectively reducing the burst healing possible on tanks.

D.Va’s health pool has been modified as well – she now has 400 health and 200 armour, making it easier for bullets to take her mech down. And while her damage has been decreased from 3 to 2 per bullet, the number of bullets per shot has been increased from 8 to 11, allowing for more consistent damage overall.

Roadhog’s hook changes are also live and you can see what that means here or read the patch notes in all their glory here.

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