Overwatch PTR Update Will Nerf Mercy, Buff Ana, Lucio and Moira

Ana receives an interesting addition to Nano Boost while Mercy's primary healing has been reduced.

Blizzard Entertainment has some sweeping changes planned for its next Overwatch update. Live on the Public Test Realm for PC players, lead designer Geoff Goodman shared some details on how Support heroes would be changing.

First off is Mercy, who will have her primary healing reduced from 60 HP per second to 50 HP per second. Given the healing output of other Supports and how they have to compete with Mercy, it remains to be seen if this will lower her pick rate at all.

Brigitte’s Shield Bash sees its cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds, while Ana’s Nano Boost will now heal its target for 300 HP instantly. This allows for instant deployment of the Ultimate, rather than healing the target first and then using it (the delay leading to potential death in a team fight). Moira’s healing resource regeneration rate will also be increased by 20 percent.

Interestingly, Zenyatta isn’t seeing any changes since, Goodman feels “he is in a pretty good spot.” Check out some of the notes below with full descriptions of the changes on the official forums.


  • Nano Boost additionally heals the target instantly for 300 HP.


  • Shield Bash cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds.


  • Sound Barrier effect increased 50% from 500 to 750 shields.
  • Crossfade aura radius increased 20% from 10m to 12m.


  • Primary fire healing beam reduced 17 percent from 60 HP/s to 50 HP/s.


  • Healing resource base regen rate increased 20%.
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