Overwatch Reporting Coming to Consoles, Other Complaints Addressed

Torbjorn and Symmetra damage buffs being looked at.

Following months of complaining, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan talked about changes for console versions of the game that players have requested.

With regards to player reporting, Kaplan said that, “This feature is coming to both PS4 and Xbox. I don’t have an exact ETA because there are many moving parts to make this happen. My hope is that everything locks into place before summer…or sooner. But we’re at the mercy of things beyond our control on this one and we’ve been working super hard to make it happen.”

This sounds like having to deal with Microsoft and Sony regarding Xbox Live and PlayStation Network policies respectively. Progress is being made, albeit slowly.

As for Torbjorn and Symmetra, the two heroes had their turrets’ damage nerfed due hero stacking in Quick Play. With stacking being removed, players have requested said nerfs to be reverted. Kaplan responded that, “We’ve been watching them closely. Up until recently they were performing in lockstep with PC. Recently they’ve begun to diverge a little bit so we’re taking a look at them now and we’ll consider adjusting them.”

For additional bindings of commands to enable call-outs like “Attack the objective”, Kaplan said, “We’ll work on this.”

But hey, at least the dev team is listening right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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