Overwatch Second Animated Short Features Widowmaker Feeling “Alive”

All you need is kill in this short animated film from Blizzard.

Blizzard Entertainment has released a second animated short for Overwatch, this one featuring Widowmaker as she closes in for the kill. The short is meant to provide some context to the assassin’s actions and we learn exactly why she kills.

Plus it features an appearance by Tracer as the hero trying to stop her. If the animosity between the two didn’t seem very strong before, then it’s obviously more understandable now.

Overwatch is currently in closed beta but will be heading into open beta on May 5th to 9th (pre-ordering allows early access starting from May 3rd). It will offer a variety of heroes to play with along with the new progression systems, cosmetics and modes that have been introduced in the past several months.

Initial impressions have been fairly solid for the team-based shooter and we can’t wait to see how it plays when it launches on May 24th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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